Friday, December 2, 2011

Move Over Swiss Miss

Today is our annual office cookie swap.  We all bring cookies and exchange the recipes while we put up the office tree and decorations.  I look forward to it every year...because, duh, I love cookies and Christmas!

Typically I bring a big pot of homemade apple cider. But this year, I can't find whole allspice to save my stinkin' life, so I had to come up with another drink idea.  I'm not a huge hot chocolate fan, but I figured homemade has to taste better than that crap you get in a box/packet.

I scoured Pinterest and got some general ideas, and came up with a veeerrrry complicated recipe...solely based on what I had in my pantry.  Hello, it's cold and dark when I get way I was going to drag Hayden the store last night for some random ingredient that some chick on Pinterest said was a "must have".  So not my style.

I personally thought it was okay, but again, I'm not really a good judge since I don't really love the stuff.  However, Christie (our "new girl" at work) loves hot chocolate AND she used to work at a coffee shop.  Totally qualified to critique my recipe!  She filled her mug, and I promptly got an email from her with the subject line, "OH MY GOSH!!!!".  Yeah, she liked it...just a tad.  She said it was better than what she made when she worked at the coffee shop!  SCORE!

Here's the uber complicated recipe...

Merissa's Bomb-diggity Crock Pot Hot Chocolate
1 half pint of whipping cream
1 c milk chocolate chips
3 c milk
1 t vanilla
1/2 t cinnamon
{marshmallows / whip cream for topping}

*Dump everything in a 1.5 quart crock pot and whisk often until everything is melted.  Let cook/simmer for 2 hours, then put on "warm" setting.  You can also double this and make a 4 quart batch. 

If you try it - let me know what you think!