Monday, September 5, 2011

Love Notes

I mentioned before that Hayden had to pack his lunch for summer day camp, and I hoped to continue that into the school year.  Well, I have successfully packed his lunch every day since school started!!

Okay, maybe I shouldn't get excited since that's technically only 8 school days...but, whatever, I'm still proud of myself.  I could very easily send a few bucks and he could eat scary cafeteria food...that would be the easy route!  And, hello...this is Hayden.  He was the worlds pickiest eater until about a year ago.  But, I assure you, he's still a very reluctant member of the "taster club".  Packing his lunch ensures he actually eats something during the day.  Something...other than the roll on his lunch tray and a carton of milk.

Starting 2nd grade at a new school was thoroughly freaking me out, so I know he had to be somewhat reluctant too.  I've never packed his lunch before, so I thought now was as good a time as any to send him a little note in his lunch box.  I knew, if he was embarrassed by it, he'd have no hesitation in telling me just that.

Some days the notes are simple, other days they're longer.  Some days they're cute or funny, other days they're serious {typically dealing with a behavior issues from the day before - in a loving way}.  But every day I make sure he has a little reminder in the middle of his day that I love him.

I asked him if he liked the notes, or if they embarrassed him, and [with a big blushing grin] he said, "I love them...please keep sending them".  

You got it buddy.