This week I've...
- Made 4 1/2 quarts of home made yogurt
- Made a batch of delicious Caramel, since I managed to consume every last drop of the first batch (with a tiny bit of help from Bonnie...but mostly it was all me).
- Made a batch of Honey Nut Granola (I promise I'll share this recipe with you soon!)
- Tried a new recipe (this is a teaser for tomorrow's post). It's a *HOT* one...
- Made the biggest batch of Fresh Salsa (not my recipe, so I'll have to find out if I can share it with'll love me forever if I can!) that I've ever seen...seriously it's massive, and I guarantee you we'll finish it off by Sunday night, because it's like crack.
- Packed the H-Bomb's lunch every day this week (Not optional since he's in day camp, but I feel accomplished since this is new to me! I plan to keep packing his lunch even after school starts...becuase cafeteria food is scary.)
- Bought one of these bad boys...more on this soon
- Pick green beans at my Aunt Karen's (She's out of town and I get to keep whatever I pick - sweet!)
- Hit the Farmers Market
- Try my hand at making my latest addiction...Banana Chips (In the oven because I do not own a dehydrator, and of course, I'll give you the deets when I'm done because I'm just that awesome.)
- I'm going to learn how to MOW! It might come as a surprise to you, but I've only pushed a mower once in my entire life (I think I was 11?). What? Not surprised? Pssh...whatever. If I am the proud owner of 1+ acres someday, I will definitely have a riding lawn mower...but my Dad pointed out the fact that you still have to push mow around the house and stuff. Crap...guess I'll learn how to push mow. At least it's self propelled! [Can I still call it "push mowing" if it's technically pushing itself? Hmm...]
- If I have enough green beans from this Saturday's pick at Aunt Karen's, she's going to teach me how to pressure can them. I've done water bath canning, but I've never pressure canned before. I'm abso-freakin-lutely stoked to learn how!
Happy homesteading!