Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Point of No Return

While hitting Wal-Mart for herb seeds, a few pots, bell pepper plant, and some price matching produce steals (if you don't get the Aldi ad, you should look into it...crazy cheap produce), I ran across this atrocity...

Easy Feet

That's right, for only $9.88 you can now buy a device to wash your feet for you.  Now, don't get me wrong, I know there are people out there that legitimately cannot wash their feet due to medical reasons.  This clearly isn't marked to those individuals.  This is marketed to a horrifically lazy society that cannot seem to muster up the strength or will to bend over and wash their own dang feet.  I stood in front of the display and just said "SERIOUSLY!?".  Thankfully, the lady working the "please sign up for a Wal-Mart credit card" booth agreed.  Mom just stood there and laughed at me.

Clearly we're dealing with some scary stuff here.  How far until we, as a society, reach the point of no return?  It frightens me to think of how many people dropped $14.99 (plus shipping) to make this so popular on TV that it was then mass produced and moved to a Wal-Mart shelf? 

This further proves my point and validates my conviction...not all "progress" is forward motion.

As you ponder...I leave you with this:


  1. great video hahahah LOVE it. ok but wait.... hold on... i was definitely considering that foot washer thing as a means for a do it yourself daily pedicure since i'm way too poor to go to a salon. and my back can go out at any time so some of my toes, i feel, get neglected in the cleaning process. i'm all for ross and salvation army though! rock on sister!

  2. Shelly - You can totally to do an "at home" pedicure to save money. And, if you ask me, spending $9.88 to do something you could just bend over and do yourself seems anything but frual. I have scoliosis, and I can still bend over and wash my darn feet. If nothign else, maybe try doing it while sitting in the tub? I have faith in you. However, if you decide to buy the lazy foot washer, know that I will still love you!
