Wednesday, July 20, 2011

5 Meals in 1 Hour

I'm type-A.  I love lists.  I love plans.  I love planning.  I love schedules.

Each week I try to have a menu planned and cook at home.  This is something I'll do even more once I have my own kitchen.  {Have I mentioned lately how much I miss my stuff?  Hopefully we'll be reunited, 5ish weeks!}

When I saw Renee's post on doing 5 dinners in 1 hour...I was so excited!  I've heard of people who cook for an entire month, and freeze it all, but that's really not for me.  Hello, cooking for 1.5 people here.  And, I don't have a chest freezer [looking for one though] or anywhere to put 30 dinners.

5 in 1 isn't that much different than my normal routine, except she takes an hour out of her Sunday to prep all her meals.  Fabulous!  And, she uses an adorable menu sheet.  Free download HERE (lots of other cute printable lists/sheets too!).  Way better than my back-of-an-envelope method.

I printed off 12 of these abso-freakin-lutely adorable menu sheets and I plan to put them in a little binder.  I can plan 12 weeks worth of menus and reuse as needed.  This will make life easier, because menu planning is one of the things in life I HATE.  Tell me what to cook, and I'm your girl.  Ask me what to cook, and I might throw a pan at you.  Consider yourself warned.

Do you do any type of prep or planning for your weekly meals?  Do you like to just wing it each night and see what strikes your fancy?  I'm always open to new ideas and methods, so please share!