Monday, May 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge - May

It's 30 Day Challenge time again!  Man, the last month has flown by.  I'm happy to let you know that I DID make it a full 30 days without my flat iron.  And I've loved every minute of it!  I have no intention of pulling it out of the drawer any time soon.

For May, I thought it was time for a challenge that would have an effect on my budget.  There's not a lot of wiggle room considering the massive budget overhaul I did in January.  But, I found a funds sucker hidden in there!

Drum roll please....

I'm no longer a Netflix member.  I have nothing against Netflix.  Take that back, yes I do.  I loved it when it was only $7.99.  But, now it's $9.99.  I'd love to go to the $4.99 "online only" option, but they don't offer hardly any of the movies (that I want to see) in their online streaming format.  Why would I pay $5 a month to NOT see the movies I want to?  Sheesh.

And, do I watch $10 worth of movies on Netflix a month?  Heck no.  I'd say I usually watch 2-3 movies a month (that I'd rent / not on TV).

Looks like I'm going to have to force my lazy butt to get out of the car and get my movies instead of picking it up from my "mail spot" on the kitchen counter.

Let me introduce you to the budget friendly version of Netflix:  Redbox

So, instead of spending $10 to watch 2-3 movies, I'm going to spend $3.25 or so.  Uh, yesplease!  I will miss the option of watching some TV shows online, but I'll survive.

I hope today is Day 1 of your Plan to Cook week!  Don't forget to leave me a comment if you've accepted my challenge.  You can do this!

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