Monday, May 16, 2011

Testing... Testing... Is this thing on?

Hello darling!  I contemplated telling you I've been on a fabulous vacation...

Or abducted by aliens...  But, I figured I'd just be honest and just tell you I've been crazy busy.  Work has been insane, lots of end-of-year stuff at school for Hayden, holidays, bff birthday festivities [which means a road trip to T-town]...just to name a few.  But, it's been fabulous!  Wonderful friends, amazing family, adorable son...I certainly cannot complain about the things that have taken me away from you!

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I'd been a bit discouraged with my house hunt.  That was an understatement.  I thought paying off all my old debt would really give my credit score a kick in the booty, but it didn't.

I even opened a secured credit card off my savings account (oh Lord, don't tell Dave Ramsey on me!) and was using it for gas and paying it in full each month.

But, I still didn't have the 640 required to get a mortgage loan.  Someone told me it might take a year to get my score up...and I nearly passed out.  I miss my stuff!  I miss having my own space!  What does this mean for Hayden & schools?  I was a basket case.  And, beyond cranky.  Did I mention I miss my stuff?  Storage sucks.

After a small panic attack, I decided to take a closer look at my credit report.  I found 3 negative entries and I disputed all of them (they were PAID, hello - go away!).  I also had my credit card limit raised from $1150 to $3000 to show that I'm more "credit worthy".  The report doesn't show that it's "secured" so I just look awesomely credit worthy...FICO doesn't need to know it's my savings account.

Typically I get an email if my credit report or score changes, but I hadn't received anything.  Last week I decided to go in and try refreshing it.  You know, just in case... 

Well, tickle me pink, it was 655!!!  Keep in mind that is still a pretty crappy score, but it'll qualify me for a home loan!  BOOYA!  I'm not going to try to get pre-qualified until after the bureaus report for May.  It'll show one more PIF and my credit increase on my card  (that isn't showing up yet).

So, credit's up...let's house hunt, right!?  Eh, there's a change in that too...

I knew I had to have a "Plan B", just in case, since I wouldn't be able to transfer Hayden to Washington schools in the fall if we were still living with Dad & Bonnie.  (What if I can't find a house!?)

I just assumed to get the type of house/land/life I wanted, I would need to leave Norman and move to a small town.  Well, I'm a sheltered nerd, and totally wrong.  After a random Zillow search, I was educated!  My Mom then told me that my friend Krista from church lives out by the lake on 10 acres.  I immediately picked her brain.  Her kids go to Lakeview, she subs there, and she's the volunteer coordinator for the PTA.  Krista talked to the counselor about our situation and hooked me up with a phone meeting.  Uh, did I mention Krista is pretty awesome?!  Mrs. Misell, the counselor, was fabulous.  She answered questions I didn't even know I had!

Norman was just a "Plan B" until last week.  H has started having some weird vision problems and his pediatrician is sending us to see the pediatric neurologist at Children's hospital.  Worst case scenario: Hayden's Tourette's diagnosis was wrong and he's actually got a tumor.  His tics have been pretty much gone for a few months, but the vision problems have started in their place.  Very scary, but I refuse to freak out until I know exactly what's going on.  Until then, I pray...a lot.  Something is clearly wrong, but I know God can fix anything!

We're looking at houses on the east side of Norman in the area out by lake Thunderbird.  It's the best of both worlds!  I'll get the country life I so desperately crave, Hayden will be in a small elementary school with LOTS of parent/PTA involvement and it'll still keep him in the Norman school district.  Big schools mean big money with means more resources for whatever may lie ahead.  I pray we don't need any of them, but at least I'll know they'll be there if we do need them.

We've also been going to my Mom's church.  It's small, and not Baptist {which I've been attending for 15+ years}, but I've pretty much decided no denomination fits me 100%, so I need to find a church where I agree with their core beliefs, feel comfortable, and Hayden will thrive in (and isn't too far from where we want to live).

I've spent far to long taking up a spot on a pew.  I need a church where I can serve, and I've found it.  The people are loving and welcoming.  I already feel more at home than I have in a very long time.  This Wednesday night I'm even helping with a youth outing!

So, that's a where we are right now.  In need of prayers, a house and a clean bill of health for the little man.  Hopefully good reports to come soon!


  1. Hayden is in our prayers!
    Love what I'm reading about your home hunting.

  2. Thank you for the prayers! I'm very excited to finally be house hunting for real. Too bad everything I want to look at right now (all of 2 whole houses) sits on 5 acres. Beyond scary! I don't know what a brush hog looks like, much less how to operate one! LOL
