Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chocolate Mug Cake [Get in mah mug, Mug Cake]

Consider this your warning.  You're going to love me, then hate me.  And, I'd say I'm sorry, but really...we all know I'm not.

I'm sure by now you've deduced that Grandma Schader is the  I know I talk about her a lot, but the woman is seriously awesome.  A few months ago she forwarded me an email with a recipe for a single serving chocolate cake.  Uh, hello deliciousness!

Since today is National Chocolate Day, I find it rather appropriate to share this recipe with you.

You're going to want to put the Mug Cake in your ugly mug ASAP.  And repeat weekly, if not more.

I'm sure this recipe is all over the internet and blog-o-sphere, but it was new to me, so I'm going to share with you.  You know, cuz I'm nice like that.  Because I'm tired of being the only person I know shoving one of these in my face once, er...maybe, twice a week.

The recipe is beyond simple, and WAY cheaper than those Betty Crocker Warm Delights, that speak to you when you wander bravely down the baking aisle at the Wal-Marts.  And I'm slowly on a path to eating more "whole foods", so making something where I know what's in it {even if it's a decedent dessert...} always makes me happy.  I'd take this recipe with it's 9 ingredients [including the caramel I smother all over the top] over Betty's; with roughly 39 ingredients.

Chocolate Mug Cake [Get in mah mug, Mug Cake]
4 T Flour
4 T Sugar
2 T Cocoa
3 T Oil
3 T Milk
1 Egg
1 t Vanilla
1 t Almond Extract (optional)

Mix all ingredients in your mug, and nuke for 2 minutes and 10 seconds.  I've had to tweak this for our microwave.  The original recipe said something insane like 3 or 3 1/2 minutes.  My cake came out tasting like a kitchen sponge.  Eww.  

Oh, and don't freak, but it's going to growwwwwww while it cooks.  It will go over the top of the mug.  Do not be alarmed.  It will not make a mess.  Trust me, if it did, Bonnie would never let me use the microwave ever again in my entire life.  Ever.

Once your 2-ish minutes are up, let it chill in the microwave for a bit.  Then, take it out (duh, be careful, it will be hot) and flop it over in a bowl.

Lift your cup and stare at the ugly brown blob of fabulousness you've created in 130 seconds!

Gross, I know.  Love/Hate.  We already went over this.

Now, smother that bad boy with the awesome caramel I'm sure you've made by now.

Now eat up!

You can thank me/hate me later.