Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meet Henry

I haven't talked much about it on the blog, but I have still been house hunting.  I've have some financing issues {even though I've raised my credit score 100 points in less than a year!} and I decided not to drag you all along on the ride until things were a bit more certain.

Well, I'm breaking the rule so that you can meet Henry.

Isn't he lovely!?

While walking through a gorgeous home with my Dad and realtor, I decided I'd check out the patio through the door in the master bedroom.  I unlocked the door, opened it and immediately saw a giant bird.  I jumped, he GOBBLED, and I nearly wet myself.  

The closest I've been to a turkey is in a grocery store, folks!  Once I got over the shock, I died laughing.  Seriously, a turkey!?  In a back yard!?!?

The house is vacant and has been for months.  From the looks of the back patio, he's been there for a while.  Mind you, this is BY FAR the nicest house I've looked at to date [can you say TOP of my price range...] and the neighborhood is gorgeous.  But, I guess when you're looking at homes in the country on 2+ acres, you're gonna see some things you're not used to seeing.

Like Henry the turkey.

He was not aggressive at all.  He would gobble from time to time, but I'd just tell him to hush and he'd stop.  When we walked the perimeter of the house, he walked a few feet in front of us.  When I went back a second time, he actually walked up to me.

OH, the funniest part!?  He gobbles when he hears a noise just like a dog would bark.  It's hilarious!  When we start our cars to leave, he gobbles!  He's going to make an awesome watch-turkey.

Okay, back to the house.  I LOVE IT.  The seller and I have agreed on the offer, and I get the final okay from financing tomorrow.  At least I really hope and pray it's an OKAY, not a WE ARE SO SORRY...but you have to wait longer.

The house hunt has been a nasty roller coaster of emotions.  I know I got myself into this mess, but I've also taken the hard road to get myself out of it.  Most people these days, when faced with over $20,000 in credit card debt, would have paid a lawyer $700 and called it quits.  I did not.  Bankruptcy was never an option for me.  I charged the bills up, I wasn't going to just try to wipe my slate clean.  That mindset is what's wrong with our nation, if you ask me.  Which you didn't, but it's my blog and I can say what I want.  HA!

So, I found a wonderful new team of Realtors [totally by accident, btw] and they've done everything in their power to find me the house of my dreams and the financing to pay for it.  They'll get their own post very soon so you all can get their info in case you ever need to buy/sell a home.  They're wonderful!

Please say a prayer for Hayden and me tonight.  Tomorrow is a big day and could be the beginning of everything, or another disappointment.  Either way, I'm going to hold my head high.  I know God has a much bigger plan than I do, and in His time all my dreams for us will come true.