Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weight Loss Update

I know...I know...long time no talk.  I won't even try to make up some lame excuse for why I've been so MIA lately.


Thought I'd give you all an update on my weight loss.  Things are going good!  I did REALLY good January-April, then I pretty much slacked off for a few months, but now I'm back in my groove and have been for about 6 weeks.

I still track all my food on My Fitness Pal (join and be my friend!), and I try to hit the treadmill for 3 miles at least 3 times a week.  I shoot for 5, but 3 seems to be more realistic.  You know...life happens and what not.

I've also tried to do more "clean eating".  That seems to really make a huge difference.  I feel SO good!  I'm not nearly as tired as I used to be.  I've also added in some vitamins and supplements.  We'll talk more about that later.

I drink about a gallon of water a day.  Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.  And I swear, my skin looks even better than it used to.  And I've always gotten a ton of compliments on my skin.  If you're tired, wrinkly, or have so many zits you've started naming them...DRINK MORE WATER!  I swear, it works like you'd never believe. 

Now the good news...I've lost 45 pounds!  WHOOO!  Still have 95 to go, but I'm not in a huge hurry.  I'm trying to get healthy, not skinny.  I REALLY hope skinny comes with healthy, but only time will tell.  I have an idea of my goal weight, but I know my body will tell me when I'm done losing.

So we all remember this disgusting photo, right?  Hard to believe that was 18 months ago.  In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago.

Well here are some updated pics from the last month or so.  I've lost about 5 more pounds since these were taken.

Getting closer to my goal!