Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013 Homestead Goals

Hey y'all!  Long time no talk...  Lots going on around our little urban homestead and all sorts of neat stuff in the works for the future; but that's another post.

I've been thinking a lot about what I'd like to accomplish this year, so I put together a little list.  I'll keep you updated along the way as I do/try each of these, as well as why the heck I wanna do it (see #15...).

2013 Homestead Goals
  1. Switch from disposable napkins to paper napkins
  2. Build a chicken tractor (using as much scrap wood/stuff as possible)
  3. Buy some Rhode Island Red hens to put in the new chicken tractor (for eggs)
  4. Build a rain water collection system
  5. Review the things we buy repeatedly and cut out as many "disposable" things/items as possible, or find sustainable options to use in their place
  6. Stop using the city trash service
  7. Recycle
  8. Start a raised garden
  9. Grow flowers from seed indoors to transplant to the front flower bed
  10. Transition my kitchen/pantry to all "whole" and "clean" foods/NO processed or boxed foods
  11. Eat more veggies
  12. Make/raise more of the basic items we buy weekly (bread, eggs, yogurt, cereal, english muffins, jelly/jam, fruit, veggies etc.)
  13. Buy as many LOCAL any items as possible; that I cannot make/raise/grow myself
  14. Stop using Kleenex (I don't know if Hayden will go for this one...)
  15. Use a DivaCup or GladRags for my lady needs (TMI, I know, sorry)
  16. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle as much as humanly possible
  17. Research bee keeping to see if it's something we could do (I'm allergic)
  18. Crochet more
  19. Cut down the dead trees on the property for fire wood
  20. Use the fireplace to heat the house (it's a wood stove with a blower) in the winter months
  21. SAVE $$$ for a bigger homestead
Do any of you have any other suggestions for things we should try?  I'd love any advice you can give me if you have tried any of the things we're looking to do this year.