Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The ONE?

Monday after work I went with my fabulous Realtor, Kara Cavallo, to check out the only 2 houses left in my price range.  Can you say STRESSFUL!?  ONLY 2 stinking options!?  Yikes.

The house that I gave you a sneak peek of here...

...was beyond frightening.  I'm not sure what is required to condemn a house, but this has to be pretty darn close.  And WAY over priced for it's current state of disrepair.  Yet again I say, nothankyou.

On to house numero dos.

Isn't it cute!?  Originally I really wanted a house outside of town on some land.  But, this house is a corner lot on nearly a quarter of an acre.  After looking at it, I think it will suit us just fine.  Clearly I have no clue how big an acre actually IS.  Woops.

Plus, this house keeps Hayden in town where he can ride his bike and have friends close.  He needs that.  Heck, I need him to have that!  A bored kid is a cranky kid.  And he hates to play alone.  It's just not as fun.  I have to say I agree with him on that.

The house has great bones, but there's a lot I'd change.  Shoot, there's a lot I'd change on a brand new house (which I learned after looking at some last weekend just for fun).  My taste is pretty specific and it's not what the mass population typically likes.  However, 70% of the flooring in this house is exactly what'd I'd pick (this is big since flooring isn't exactly a cheap re-do).  WHOO!

Here are a few of the things I had on my house wish list:
  • Lots of yard and room to breathe - check
  • Fireplace - check
  • Wood flooring - check
  • Open kitchen/dining/living room floor plan - check
  • Book cases (built in) - check (3 big 'ens!)
  • Room for a large garden - check
  • Room for lots of flowers and fun landscaping - check
  • Trees - check
  • Neighbors close enough to hear me scream...but not hear me sneeze - check
  • Covered back patio - check
  • Granite countertops - check (not the color I'd pick, but it's workable)
  • Large bedrooms - check
  • Big kitchen with lots of counter space - check

I've still gotta get the "Dad Stamp of Approval" this week sometime...but I have to say, so far I love it! 

If this thing goes down, I'll have an entire post with interior pics.  I just don't want to jinx it.  I'm already a nervous wreck!  You're going to have to suffer with me until then!  [Insert evil laugh here]

Wish me luck!


  1. Oh, Merissa, I love it and praying that this is the "door" God has for you to go through. Sounds wonderful and you will have so much fun making it "yours" and H's. Love your idea for a veggie garden and don't forget the herbs. I feel good about this for you, but if it's not the one, just say "Praise the Lord, He's got something better for us!!!"
    Love you!!!

  2. That's my attitude 110%! I really hope this is the "door" too. I really like the house. Thank goodness since it's the only option I have left! :)
    Love you & miss you!
