Friday, June 3, 2011

Wide Open Spaces

Last Saturday Hayden and I attended the 4th birthday party of my friend Janel's son, Chapman.  The party was at her brother, Daniel's, home.  His wife (and Janel's sister-in-law) is Krista, who I mentioned here because of her awesomeness.  Got the family tree down?

Their place is beautiful.  This is the view from the back porch.
Absolutely breathtaking...
They have 10 acres...with COWS!
Oh my, Hayden was so excited to be that close to a "real live cow"!
The babies were so stinkin' cute!  And technically I think they're called calves, but I still plan to call them baby cows.  Judge me.  I don't care one bit.
Kaitlyn, Daniel & Krista's daughter, said she'll even teach me how to milk a cow.  Sweet!

It only took a few hours sitting on their back porch, enjoying great company and conversation, to realize just how much I want this life.  Granted, it'll be on a much smaller scale since I'm a single Mom, but I just love the wide open spaces.  You can't help but's impossible to be stressed surrounded by that much natural beauty. 


  1. I knew it! There has been a country girl hiding in there all along!!

  2. Yes ma'am...and she's ready to come out and play!
